Thoughts, Words, and Actions: Fear or Love?

Today I’ve been thinking about the human condition. Specifically, how we relate to each other interpersonally, and the consequences of our thoughts, words, and actions. In the last week, several situations have been shared with me (personal and professional) wherein manipulative, narcissistic, mean-spirited behaviors were described. In each case, the costs – time, financial, and…

My three great bosses and what they have in common

I bet you can list the things you like best – and least – about each of your bosses.  Bosses are powerful influences for better or worse, after all. I spent some time during a recent flight contemplating how many direct supervisors I had during my nineteen years in the insurance industry. Then I thought…

Meet your amygdala: Your #1 emotional hijacker

Ever felt a strong urge to fight or flee?  You know what I’m talking about. Someone does or says something that triggers you. Your heart rate speeds up and your breath gets shallow.  I feel it through a tightening across my chest. You may feel it somewhere else, but you feel it.  It is how…

Got problems? Try out a new perspective.

What if your problems were really opportunities for growth? What if, rather than being damaging sources of angst, frustration, disconnection, and fear, your “problems” were actually opportunities to expand your capacity for awesome things like wisdom, creativity, patience, and connecting? The truth is, with a new perspective all of our problems can transform into meaningful…

LEADERSHIP? Authenticity is a must.

The other day I was talking with a leader I admire about the importance of authenticity in leadership.  We were discussing a particular issue within her organization and she said “I feel like I never hear anything authentic from him. There isn’t much I can do (for him) if he doesn’t get real.” Simultaneously, I…

Want more success? Stop playing the victim

This week I have an oh-so-critical message for you: You are not a victim. If you truly want to be more successful with (fill in blank) it is time for you to start owning your results. If you don’t like them, or would like to improve on them, you must make changes with regard to…


Wow, it is 2017! The new year always feels so fresh to me.  Even though nothing (except the date of course) truly changes between 11:59 p.m. on December 31 and 12:00 a.m. on January 1, it still feels significant – like 365 brand new days holding the promise of new opportunity.  Opportunities to show-up, be…

It doesn’t always have to be CRAZY busy!

The last couple of weeks of the year are such a crazy-busy time.  At work we scramble to get everything done with “skeleton” crews, and there is so much to do outside of work. Preparing for our holiday celebrations, braving the shopping crowds and, ugh, the traffic! As we all move through the last two…


Have you ever gotten sucked into someone else’s nasty mood?  I narrowly escaped catching a bad attitude last week.  I was sitting in the waiting room at my doctor’s office, and a woman at the counter was fussing at the receptionist because they called her the day before and left her a message, but she…


Gratitude: A feeling of appreciation or thanks. (Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary) As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, and kick-off the “holiday season”, I want to share one of the easiest ways to keep your peace through all the preparation, hustle and bustle, and time with friends and family:  Practice gratitude. Studies have proven the feeling…

Tips for a terrific customer service save

Sometimes we mess-up. It happens. Today I want to emphasize the importance of a terrific save when mistakes occur.  I’m calling it a “customer service save” because, at Pelot & Associates, our practice focuses on the workplace. However, these tips transfer beautifully to your personal life as well. One example: Last week I took my…