One Bad Attitude Could Spoil The Whole Bunch

This is a true story about a bright, ambitious, twenty-three-year-old who started showing up to work every day with a bad attitude.  She’d sigh big, heavy sighs of exasperation, and wouldn’t speak to her coworkers – except the ones who would listen to her complain during lunch hour.  If she didn’t absolutely have to, this…

Self-Development: You’ll Be Glad You Did

Recently, I had a terrific discussion with a successful, respected, high-ranking organizational leader with the Department of Interior.  We were talking about his recipe for success, and what he looks for when considering the potential of others. A passion for self development made his list of top-three characteristics, when assessing an individual’s capacity for success…

Want to be a great leader? Start here

Have you ever had a boss you considered to be a great leader?  I have, twice.  Over the years I’ve spent time considering what made them great, as compared to others who ranged from ‘absolutely horrible, have no business having authority over other people” to solidly “good”. Of course, there are several characteristics that differentiate great…

Two Tips To Shift From Negative To Positive

Do you ever get negative and just wallow in it?  I’m talking about sitting in that space where it feels like everything and everyone pretty much sucks? Even you. I’m too tired. That’s not fair. She’s an idiot. They don’t like me. It’s your fault. This is too hard. That’s all wrong. It’s too hot….

Respect, Trust, and Value After June 12, 2016

I’ve been thinking a lot about respect, trust, and value this week.  I bet, in your own way, you have too.  The wake of violence and tragedy leaves us with thoughts we weren’t considering the day before…Even deciding whether to write about my thoughts has been a struggle. I know I don’t have words eloquent…

Don’t Give up! 5 Tips To Meet Your Goals

An executive, whom I greatly admired, once told me “if you aren’t meeting them by June, you will not meet your goals for the entire year.”  I took those words to heart and for the next 2 years, with great stress and feelings of inadequacy, I mentally gave up on any goals my organization was…

Memorial Day: Give Thanks and Have Empathy

It’s Memorial Day, 2016.  Today many will visit gravesites and attend services to honor our service men and women who served and gave it all, as well as those still with us and even serving today.  I hope our veterans and service men and women feel honored today.  I hope they feel appreciated by the…

Joy or Anxiety? Tips for Navigating Change

  I found myself pondering the impact of change  yesterday, while heading home from the last graduation party of the season. I reflected on conversations with graduates, parents, friends and colleagues, about big and small changes, and how they felt as they navigated them. Sometimes strong feelings are fleeting; sometimes they last a lifetime. I…

Rage Building? These 5 Steps Will Calm You Down

Have you ever gotten angry at home? Me too! Rage Builds from time to time – even in conflict resolution specialists. Although I rarely experience external conflict, I am human and I have my moments! Here’s a recent example from my world: I’ve been ready to get rid of the circa 2000, bigger than two…

Shark or Turtle? What is your conflict style?

Can a turtle safely co-exist with a shark? What about a fox with a teddy bear? I say “Absolutely!” If they are aware of their own go-to conflict style, have a decent understanding of those around them, and realize they have options.  When it comes to conflict style, we all have dominate traits, but we…

Tips for being successful, when working with a disengaged boss

Your leader’s primary role is to be the strong base for your success support system, right?  I mean, the very definition of a leader is to engage and inspire, while achieving organizational goals through the efforts of the team.  So,what happens to you and your teammates when you have a disengaged boss? In my experience,…

Speak-up or Keep Quiet? Emotional Intelligence Can Be Your Guide

Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling, when you know something is wrong, but you don’t know what or why?  I usually feel it in my chest first, then in my stomach. Some call it intuition.  It might be easy to figure out, when something specific happened and you know it isn’t resolved – at…