What are you committed to achieving?

Have you ever committed to action you believed was important, only to not follow through with it? Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve taken time to reflect on the goals I set for 2017. I also looked at the actions I committed to taking, in order to accomplish them. Sadly I must admit, I flat-out…

Wait, where’s my joy?

I’ve been feeling quite “Eh” (as my beautiful daughter puts it) for a few days now.  “Eh” as in not horrible, but not good. “Dull” is a good way to describe it, and it’s wearing on me. There’s no specific reason. In fact, if I tally the truly important things, everything is actually really good….

7 Common traits of great leaders

Have you ever heard someone speak who really inspired you? One whom you wanted to remember – and share – everything they said? Last week I did! I had the privilege of hearing Pat Williams speak on the seven common traits of great leaders.  If somehow you are not familiar with Mr. Williams, a few…

Gone in 90 seconds: How to move through negative emotions

Negative emotions are normal, we all experience them. There is certainly nothing wrong with them, unless of course we loose control in their grip, or they stick around too long.  When either of those happen, they become distracting, debilitating, and damaging. Think about the last time you experienced strong negative emotions. Regardless of the specific…

Resilience: The difference between can and cannot?

I’m on vacation this week at my happy place.  The view from our screened porch (my favorite “in-doors” spot) includes bright green sea grape trees loaded with fruit, and a white sandy beach leading to the Gulf of Mexico.  In the midst of all the relaxation and beauty, I have found myself noticing impressive resilience,…

Emotional Intelligence: The X-Factor in Your Success

Way back in the 1980’s, after reading an article published by John Mayer and Peter Salovey, Dr. Daniel Goleman became fascinated with Emotional Intelligence (EQ).  In his 1995 best seller Emotional Intelligence, Dr. Goleman turned the widely held view that IQ is the most important factor in attaining success upside down. More than thirty years…

Happy Independence Day Everyone!

Happy Independence Day Everyone!

This morning I’ve seen so many lovely 4th of July / Independence Day social media posts. Interestingly a big percentage of the posts share the themes of thanking our active service men and women, our veterans, and honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the United States of America.  I so…

How leaders unknowingly stifle progress

Not long ago I facilitated a week-long corporate meeting, wherein co-dependent work groups needed to develop urgent action plans. Significant problems had been identified with their program, and real progress needed to be made in a short amount of time. In order to succeed, the meeting environment had to support open communication, creativity, and action-oriented problem…

Fact or fiction? How our assumptions can derail us

Have you ever made an assumption about something or someone, only to find out later you were completely wrong? Oh boy, I have. In fact, just yesterday I made a few ugly assumptions about a young lady I have never even laid eyes on. When I found out how wrong I was, I felt terrible….

Internal Struggles: A method for making good decisions

Internal struggles are tough because of the push and pull between intellectual, emotional, moral, and ethical considerations.  Inside those are financial, relational, and even physical elements. They aren’t easy, that’s way we call them “struggles”, but dealing with them effectively, and sooner than later, usually saves us from unnecessary drama and negative consequences. I’m suffering with an…

Organizational Structure. Is yours still working for you?

How effective is your current organizational structure? If you haven’t considered that question in a few years, now might be a good time to assess it.  Your organizational structure should assure maximum efficiency and effectiveness, while supporting the accomplishment of big picture strategies and goals. Is it? Three of our clients are revisiting their organizational…

Thoughts, Words, and Actions: Fear or Love?

Today I’ve been thinking about the human condition. Specifically, how we relate to each other interpersonally, and the consequences of our thoughts, words, and actions. In the last week, several situations have been shared with me (personal and professional) wherein manipulative, narcissistic, mean-spirited behaviors were described. In each case, the costs – time, financial, and…