Rethinking What's Possible

The first half of this year has given us a plethora of reasons to reconsider what’s possible. What’s possible at work, at home, in our communities, our nation, our world. It has necessitated swift pivots, radical change, and the courage to do things in ways we have never done them before. 2020 is also serving as serious inspiration for heightened self-awareness, commitment, and follow-through.

Yes, this year has slowed many of us down. Some of the slow down has been not-so-good (OK, really bad). But where there’s a yen there’s a yang, and there’s been a lot of good too.

The positives inspired by – necessitated by – this year have enabled new creations, collaborations, conversations and connections. There’s been much to think about, talk about, and do differently. Which brings me back to what’s possible…

It’s true. Crisis sparks ingenuity and tragedy has the power to strengthen humanity. We’ve seen this proven over and over in recent months. The worst has a way of highlighting the best, when we pay attention.

Yet, right now, does it feel like we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible to you too? It seems, perhaps as much or more so than ever before, we humans are actually being presented with more reasons, more opportunities, and more collective ability, to take giant leaps forward for the good of us all.  

Like many of you, I’ve been thinking deeply about what’s possible on multiple subjects. I’ve reached out and been reached for, and had a handful of important, eye-opening, thought-provoking, insightful, probably overdue, somewhat uncomfortable, and certainly previously overlooked, conversations. (You know who you are, and I thank you.)

Ultimately, once again I’ve been reminded that much of what’s possible begins with me. If I want change, it’s my job to support it, be it, do it, say it, and share it. It’s not enough to want it, observe it, judge it, complain about it, or even support it, passively.

During stressful times, shifting your attention to what’s possible helps jump-start action-packed momentum.
Here are some questions to initiate the shift:

  •  What do you want instead?
  •  What is within your control?
  •  What is your next best step?
  •  When will you get started?

Spending a few minutes answering those questions opens-up space in your mind for peace, logic, and clarity.  What follows is intrinsic motivation to begin taking steps toward the desired outcome.

What is your “what’s possible” today?
I’m happy to share mine first:

  • It’s possible for you to feel valued, respected, and trusted, and for me to feel those things too.
  • It’s possible for us to experience these simultaneously, regardless of our differing heritage, education, profession, political stance, religious belief, physical or mental ability, community, and yes, regardless of our race

(If you connect with my “what’s possible”) 
Here are three simple tips for making it happen:

  1.  If you want to be valued, value others.
  2.  If you want to be respected, respect others.
  3.  If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy and offer your trust to others.

2020 has offered us great opportunity, on so many levels. Do you have the courage to act on your “what’s possible”? It will probably feel scary, awkward, and maybe insufficient at first. Be patient with yourself, significant change isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. As Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”  

Contact us today for your free executive coaching strategy session and more information on accomplishing more, with less stress, and better results.

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