Are you burning out your top-performers?

Are you burning out your top-performers?

Nine months after joining the company, this young woman was promoted. (Yay!) She was also exhausted, frustrated, and disillusioned. Sadly, in less than a year, she lost confidence and trust in the management she once admired. Despite the promotion, she was looking for another job.

Empathy Opens Possibilities

Empathy Opens Possibilities

Applications of empathy has been on my mind this week…Have you ever argued about the details of a project or situation, only to eventually realize you were missing the big picture? It’s easy to do. In fact, just last week I watched a distinguished group of leaders go through cycles of “not seeing the forest…

Listening: The secret ingredient to becoming a trusted leader

Listening: The secret ingredient to becoming a trusted leader

Ever been on a call with someone and realize they were only halfway listening? It happened to me this week in a virtual coaching session. I could hear my client typing away. His responses were delayed and hedgy, and his tone told me his attention was elsewhere. Candidly, I felt irritated, disrespected, and like I…

Assumptions = Ass-u-me

Assumptions = Ass-u-me

There is no doubt about it – in the absence of facts, humans make assumptions. What’s more, we assume the negative more often than not. Have you ever convinced yourself someone did something for a particular reason, only to find out you were completely wrong? I know I have.  I remember the time I assumed a…

But what can you control?

But what can you control?

How often do you ask yourself “what’s within my control?” If you find yourself frustrated and stressed-out often, you might want to start asking yourself that question more routinely. As humans (and you can multiply this for leader-humans), we tend to spend a whole lot of time and energy focused on things beyond our control….

Authentic Leadership. The next-best version of you?

Authentic Leadership. The next-best version of you?

Authentic leadership. What does it really mean and why should you, as a business leader, care? Let’s start literally: According to my Webster’s dictionary, ‘authentic’ means genuine, credible, real. My favorite applicable definition of ‘leadership’ is guiding by influence. Put them together and we get guiding with genuine, credible, real, influence. These days we are bombarded by falsehoods, half-truths,…

Quick tips for organizational thinking

“My leaders don’t get it. We are missing opportunities because of their lack of organizational thinking and silos.” This is one of the most common frustrations of my executive clients. Working in silos with territorial battles are strategic goal derailers. Sure, an individual here and there will further their own career (for a minute) through…

Want more? Build a culture of trust.

Want more? Build a culture of trust.

Did you know working in a culture of trust could be the most important element in creating teams that consistently achieve great results? At some point in your career, you’ve likely felt the pain of working in an environment of distrust: Silos; conflict; fear of speaking up; mistakes; re-work; turnover; lost opportunities… Establishing a  culture…

Turning Workplace Conflict Into Golden Opportunities

Turning Workplace Conflict Into Golden Opportunities

As a workplace conflict resolution specialist, I think conflict gets a bad rap. Don’t get me wrong, lingering, ignored, and/or escalating conflict has serious consequences for any group. But when handled well, conflict is actually healthy for a team. Have you ever had a heated debate with your leadership team and come out on the…

Feeling out of sorts? Check your alignment

Feeling out of sorts? Check your alignment

Have you ever hit a pothole and knocked your car out of alignment? You know it immediately, right? The car starts pulling off course and the steering wheel vibrates.  You can tell it’s not OK by the way it feels. You also know, the longer you drive it that way the worse it gets.  It’s similar…

Rethinking What’s Possible

Rethinking What’s Possible

The first half of this year has given us a plethora of reasons to reconsider what’s possible. What’s possible at work, at home, in our communities, our nation, our world. It has necessitated swift pivots, radical change, and the courage to do things in ways we have never done them before. 2020 is also serving as…

Be like Einstein: Be present now

Be like Einstein: Be present now

One of the hardest things for us humans to do is bring from the past only what is beneficial for us in the present. It has been said history is the best predictor of the future. I’ve said it many times myself – because it’s often true. Particularly in times of stress, we go on…