Welcome to 2019! Did you make any resolutions for this new year? I didn’t. With all the hype and statistically proven lack of success attached to new year resolutions, I opted out a few years back. However, I did make a few commitments to myself.

Sound like semantics? Depending on how seriously you take your new year resolutions, maybe. For me, a “new year’s resolution” feels like jumping on a bandwagon – everybody’s doing it! However, again for me, a commitment comes from a place of intrinsic motivation: I have identified the pay-off for making the change, as well as the cost of blowing it off.

I make a commitment to do something brand new, or tweak what I’ve done historically, when the ultimate benefit (for me) truly outweighs the cost of not doing it. The same is true for you.

In order to make any positive change last – no matter how earnest, or altruist, our intentions – intrinsic motivation is required. This isn’t a personality, intelligence, ability, or character thing.  This is a human thing.

Humans don’t change. UNLESS or UNTIL we believe (for ourselves) there is a real personal benefit, only to be realized through changing something about what we think, do, and/or say. Even when the direct personal benefit is identified, it still isn’t easy.

Change is hard! As mentioned, it takes intrinsic motivation. It also requires perseverance and resilience. It takes a willingness to be OK with not being perfect yet – maybe never – but you stick with it anyway. It takes commitment.

As we kick-off 2019, I encourage you to ponder the commitments (a.k.a. “resolutions”) you made for this new year. Ask yourself:

  • What is my specific commitment?(If it is vague or generic, it’s already sunk.)
  • Who did I make this commitment for?(If there is not a direct correlation to you, it’s already sunk.)
  • What will I gain by following through with this commitment?(Again, specifics matter. Tangible or intangible – as long as it has significant value to you.)
  • What will it cost me if I don’t follow through?(Hint: “cost” is not synonymous with financial impact.)

Getting real with yourself, and answering those questions, will help you decide whether you just made another New Year’s resolution – and you’ll be joining the 92% of the population who abandon their resolutions before acheiving their goals– or you have the foundation in place to be in the 8% who will succeed (University of Scranton).

We are almost through the first week of the new year, and I wish you great success with your commitments. As you persevere, remember to be patient with yourself and offer yourself some compassion. If you miss the mark one day, remember why the end-goal is important to you. Revisit your answers to the questions above, and keep working at it!

Whatever it is you intend to achieve this week, this quarter, this year, I’m rooting for your success!

Contact us today for help with strategically achieving your goals. Our professional executive coaches, trainers, consultants, and mediators are ready to partner with you to make this your best year yet!

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