Recognizing the Opportunities hidden within Conflict


Hi! Welcome to the first edition of Conflict = Opportunity!, a monthly newsletter about mediating through life, written by me, Karen Pelot. As this is the introductory edition, I decided to reintroduce myself to you, and begin to spark your interest in the ongoing story of how Conflict = Opportunity!

As I already mentioned, and for any of you who may not know me, my name is Karen Pelot, and I am the sole proprietor of Karen Pelot Mediations, LLC. I have an MBA, with a concentration in Alternate Dispute Resolution, and have been mediating full time for 2.5 years. I am recognized as an Advanced Practitioner of Mediation (APM) by the International Association for Dispute Resolution, and I am certified by the Supreme Court of Florida in Circuit/civil and County court disputes. In the past two years, I have mediated more than 200 cases, with 89% of those settling at mediation.

Enough about who I am, let’s get on with the story behind this month’s Conflict = Opportunity!

2009 has come to a close, and I find myself reflecting on it with gratitude and a good bit of awe – as in “that was awesome!”. You see, because of the conflict we generally refer to as civil litigation, this year I received the opportunity to spend time with the most amazing people. Some have simply been brilliant, and I have listened to them like

an enthusiastic student, eager to soak in everything they so generously shared. Others had personal stories so inspiring; being in their presence was like sitting with angels. Some were angry, frustrated or fearful, and I was presented the opportunity to experience their pain. This is also when I had the opportunity to be a calming presence, and help them move from a place of emotional discomfort to a place of personal power and peace – regardless of the decisions they ultimately made. Some were humble and sincere; others vociferous and even a bit arrogant. Some were savvy, speedy negotiators; others were thoughtful and analytical, taking their time as we navigated through the process of mediation (and, it is a process, but that’s a topic for another day). There were some who were wealthy beyond imagination; others had little more than the clothes they wore to mediation. Although it was often serious conflict that brought us all together, I look back on 2009 and appreciate that most took opportunities to share a little piece of their lives with me. Many shared a hearty laugh or two with me, and many shared their tears.

If you recognize yourself, your clients, or both, in any of these descriptions, I am not surprised. For you see, I have found it to be a very rare occasion when every single one of these descriptions is not present in mediation – often wondrously

manifesting from a single person, as we work through the process of conflict resolution together.2010 has now arrived, and so I’ll close this first edition of Conflict = Opportunity! as I began it, with gratitude and a bit of awe. I hope you join me in being grateful for the beginning of a brand new year, and all it has to offer. As we look back on 2009, with all its ups and downs, and whatever it brought us individually, I hope we gained perspective and wisdom from all the opportunities given to us; even those presented to us through conflict.Please feel free to share my newsletter with your friends and colleagues, and please also feel free to contact me directly, via the information listed below. I’d love to hear from you!

Happy New Year!

Karen Pelot Mediations, LLC
Dispute Resolution Specialist
30 North Orange Avenue • Suite
500 • Orlando, Fl 32801Phone: (407)926-2451
Fax: (407)386-6016E-mail:

©2010 Karen Pelot Mediations, LLC,
All rights reserved. Permission
granted to excerpt or reprint with

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