Did you know Veterans Day coincides with holidays in other countries, like Armistice Day in France, and Remembrance Day in the UK? Each celebrates the official end of WWI, and the time major hostilities ended: The 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, 1918. In the U.S., Veterans Day was originally also known as Armistice Day, but at the urging of major veteran organizations, it was changed to Veterans Day in 1954.

Did you realize in the U.S. we commonly mix-up the meaning of Memorial Day, July 4th, and Veterans Day? I have noticed this more over the last couple years, via social media posts.  Of course you know (but I’ll remind you anyway ????) July 4th is the day we celebrate our declaration of independence – the United States of America’s birthday; Memorial day, which we celebrate on the last Monday of May, we remember those who gave their lives serving in the United States armed forces; and Veteran’s Day is the day we honor ALL who have served in our armed forces.

Veterans Day was actually yesterday (11/11), but many recognize it today with a holiday from work. At PERSPECTIVES, LLC, we think everyday is a good day to thank and honor all of our vets!  So, if you are a veteran, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE! #NEVERFORGET

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