Rage Building? These 5 Steps Will Calm You Down

Have you ever gotten angry at home? Me too! Rage Builds from time to time – even in conflict resolution specialists. Although I rarely experience external conflict, I am human and I have my moments! Here’s a recent example from my world: I’ve been ready to get rid of the circa 2000, bigger than two…

Shark or Turtle? What is your conflict style?

Can a turtle safely co-exist with a shark? What about a fox with a teddy bear? I say “Absolutely!” If they are aware of their own go-to conflict style, have a decent understanding of those around them, and realize they have options.  When it comes to conflict style, we all have dominate traits, but we…

Tips for being successful, when working with a disengaged boss

Your leader’s primary role is to be the strong base for your success support system, right?  I mean, the very definition of a leader is to engage and inspire, while achieving organizational goals through the efforts of the team.  So,what happens to you and your teammates when you have a disengaged boss? In my experience,…

Speak-up or Keep Quiet? Emotional Intelligence Can Be Your Guide

Have you ever experienced that nagging feeling, when you know something is wrong, but you don’t know what or why?  I usually feel it in my chest first, then in my stomach. Some call it intuition.  It might be easy to figure out, when something specific happened and you know it isn’t resolved – at…

Two Executives And A Workplace Mediator Walk Into A Bar

OK, so it wasn’t really a bar. It was a nice meeting room, but it felt a lot like a bar-room-brawl.  There was finger pointing, turf battling, name calling, accusation throwing, “I dare you to cross this line” taunting, yelling, and even tears. It was two executives and a workplace mediator, spending a day together…

Results focused or People focused leadership: Which is best?

Over the years, I have noticed leaders – whether just stepping into their roles or seasoned veterans- tend to identify themselves as results focused or people focused. However, what I have learned, witnessed, and experienced, is that to be a great leader one must possess a balance of both results focused and people focused leadership skills….

One Leadership Challenge: Is it skill or will?

Leadership challenge? Nah, It’s great to be a leader – easy in fact! Presiding over your kingdom, all your peeps utilizing their strengths effectively; everyone getting along and collaborating for the best possible outcomes; goals being met ahead of schedule; creative ideas flowing; and all the key stakeholders as happy as they can be. Yep,…

Healthy Work Environment Tip of the Week

Last week we posted about how using nonviolent communication in the workplace can help create a healthy work environment. One tip we offered was to ditch your judgments and focus on objectively observing the instant situation. In other words, be present for what really is.  But how do we do that? Before we give you the…

Creating Synergy at Work

Having trouble creating synergy at your workplace? I hate to break this to you, but it might just be YOU. Many of us don’t take the time to consider how we communicate when conflict arises. Unfortunately, most of us have been trained to speak a language that encourages us to alienate ourselves, through our communication…

Leveraging Resistance

Resistance has the power to derail the best of plans, but acknowledging it with empathy and compassion might just engage the leverage you need to achieve your goals. Like most things in life, resistance has a spectrum. On one end, it shows up as avoidance or maybe a little passive aggressive.  One the opposite end,…

It’s A Great Day to Celebrate!

Great leaders understand organizational success requires commitment to core values and goals; authentic and timely communication; collaboration to identify the best possible action plans, timelines, and solutions; and, they know how and when to celebrate! Indeed, great leaders celebrate! They celebrate the big wins of course, but more importantly, they seek opportunities to celebrate the…