When your top-performer disappoints: 3 Tips for Strategic Leaders

When your top-performer disappoints: 3 Tips for Strategic Leaders

Even the most strategic leaders suffer serious disappointments.  When the disappointment is connected to your top performer, that pain is real.  It makes sense though – you have invested in grooming, supporting, and advocating for this person.  They had your confidence, and they had your trust.  In the last few weeks, this issue has come…

The Impact of Effective Listening: 3 tips to improve your leadership stats

The Impact of Effective Listening: 3 tips to improve your leadership stats

As an executive coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of effective listening in leadership. I’m talking about more than just hearing; I mean understanding, empathy, and connection. This (often overlooked) skill drives collaboration, trust, and innovation within organizations, and is a key pillar for successful leadership. Did you know? Employees who feel heard are…

Strategic Communication: How to avoid frustration and achieve goals

Strategic Communication: How to avoid frustration and achieve goals

Why strategic communication? Well, have you ever shared a message with your team, only to have it fail to get the results you were hoping for? Frustrating, right? Also incredibly common.  Often, the root cause of messages falling short is a lack of strategic communication. In fact, dismay about why their vision is not being…

Lose the “should” and become a stronger leader

We are one month into 2019, and I have a new challenge for you: Lose your “should”. When working on my Master Certification in Executive Coaching, I learned how impactful it is for a client to shift from “should” to a definitive action statement. The definitive statement may be “I will” or “I won’t”, it…

PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY. a must for high-performing teams

Do you know what high-performing teams have in common? Psychological safety. That’s right! In fact, GOOGLE recently completed a massive two-year study on team performance, wherein they concluded psychological safety is the one common denominator for high performing teams. As a professional who spends her days working with leaders and teams to reduce conflict, increase…


I learned something new recently, regarding why we (humans in general) make commitments to ourselves, and then don’t keep too many of them. New year’s resolutions are obvious examples, but I’m thinking more about work-life or career-oriented commitments. Turns out there is a reason beyond “change is hard”.  That’s true too, but my new information…

ALWAYS RIGHT? You may be listening to the wrong voice

Do you pride yourself in being the one with the answers? The person who, when opinions differ or decisions need to be made, is always right? There was a time I felt that way about myself, until I realized there was something very wrong with being the person who is always right. As a leader,…

HOW TRUSTWORTHY ARE YOU? Four tenants of trust

Did you know only 51% of employees have trust and confidence in senior leadership? How about this one…Only 36% of employees believe their leaders are trustworthy – that means 64% don’t! These stats come from Steven M.R. Covey’s best seller The Speed Of Trust, which I recently re-read and highly recommend. So, have you ever…


We all have conflict.  Sometimes it is internal. Sometimes it is between us and someone else. Sometimes we are a third party to conflict happening between others.  Regardless of its origin, we are human and we experience conflict. When I meet people out and about, and they learn what I do, they often tell me…

Happy Independence Day Everyone!

Happy Independence Day Everyone!

This morning I’ve seen so many lovely 4th of July / Independence Day social media posts. Interestingly a big percentage of the posts share the themes of thanking our active service men and women, our veterans, and honoring those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the United States of America.  I so…

Fact or fiction? How our assumptions can derail us

Have you ever made an assumption about something or someone, only to find out later you were completely wrong? Oh boy, I have. In fact, just yesterday I made a few ugly assumptions about a young lady I have never even laid eyes on. When I found out how wrong I was, I felt terrible….

Organizational Structure. Is yours still working for you?

How effective is your current organizational structure? If you haven’t considered that question in a few years, now might be a good time to assess it.  Your organizational structure should assure maximum efficiency and effectiveness, while supporting the accomplishment of big picture strategies and goals. Is it? Three of our clients are revisiting their organizational…